Monday, December 9, 2013

Pinterest is a great to incorporate in your classroom. I have used pinterest in my classroom to find lesson plans, worksheets, and new ways to do things. Recently I have used pinterest to  help me come up with a lesson plan for my first grade classroom. This lesson plan is on the past, present, and future tenses. Pinterest was very helpful with this lesson plan and I enjoyed creating this activity.

The link above is my lesson plan that I thought to my first grade class. I completed the assignment by following one of my pins that I had pinned on my pinterest. This pin gave me the idea to create a board game for my students to do. I chose this activity because I thought it would be fun and interesting for my students to do. After I did this assignment myself I discovered that it might be too hard for a first grader to do. I had to help my students a lot in the assignment and it was not as easy as I thought it would be.

 This is me writing down my past, present, and future tenses on the game board.

 This is how your game board should look after you have written in your past, present, and future tenses and they should be in that order.
This picture is of me writing my name and my partners name on the two sheets. These represent the players in the game.

Next you should mix up your playing cards so that way you will get a good varity to play your game.
Now it is time to play the game! You should have the following your board game, your cards, and your players. Now lets begin.
Next you should put your players on the start box so you can start the game.
Now the first player will draw a card to see where they should move...
The first player drew the future card so that means they will have to move to the first future tense box.
This picture is of the first player moving his player to the first future tense word.
You continue to play the game until one of the players reaches the end box on the board game. Don't forget to play with the other players board game as well.
Last but not least is to write your name on the back of your board game and to turn it in.
I hope that you enjoy this blog entry and I hope that it could help you in making a lesson plan for the past, present, and future tenses.








Monday, October 28, 2013

Web 2.0 Tools

1.    Slideshow Tools – Kiddos

            This website is a safe website for kids to use.  This is a free website. The children can go on this website for educational videos such as national geographic. I would use this is my classroom to show Educational videos. My students can learn many different things from this website.

2.    Presentation Tools- Photo Show

            Photo show is a great website to make a slide show. You upload your pictures, customize your pictures, and share with anyone you want. This is a fun way to show off your creativity. We will use this website in the classroom to make a presentation to the class of who you are. This way the class and your teacher will get to know you better.

3.    Collaboration tools- Drop Box

            Drop box is used for students to turn in their work. On drop box you can turn in your work digitally instead of printing it off. This is easier for the teacher to keep all of the work together. This will help the students to learn how to turn things in online, because they will have to use a feature like this in college. This will prepare my students for the future.

4.    Research Tools- Find How

            This website will tell the students “how to” find anything and everything. The student can type in any information they want and learn how to do it. The students could type in how to tie your shoe and this website could tell them how to do so. In my classroom they will have to write a “how to” paper. This also prepares the students to learn how to research and use citations.

5.    Graphing Tools- Create A Graph

            Create a Graph helps the student recognize which graph is which. This website has 5 different graphs to choose from. You can choose from the different graphs to make your own graph. The student will have to be able to create any graph when needed. My classroom will pick their favorite graph and will have to create their own graph with this website.

6.    Mapping Tools- If it Were My Home

            This website is for you to understand the different cultures of people around the world. This website shows us what people eat, dress, and do in the places that they live. You can visit any country that you want to visit. This website will be used in the classroom for the students to learn about different cultures. The student will be assigned a country and they will have to do a research project on it.


7.    Quiz and Pool Tolls- Quizlet

            Quizlet is a website used for quizzing students. This website has all the subjects that you will need. If you are slacking in a subject then you could take a quiz to help you practice. This is an outside of the classroom work. I encourage my students to take these quizzes because it has helped students in the past.


8.    Writing Tools- Wordle

            Wordle is a fun website to create something different and original. The student would pick a theme and will write words surrounding that theme. Then they will create what they want their wordle to look like. This will show off the student’s creativity. My student will have to create a wordle on a book that they have read.


9.    Creativity Tools- Diffen

            Diffen is a website that the student can compare two objects. Such as Cats and Dogs are two different animals. These animals do have some type of comparison. This website will tell you what comparison these two different animals have. My classroom will have to do a paper telling what their different objects have In common. They will also present this assignment to the class.

10. Presentation Tools- Prezi

            Prezi is a lot like power point. Prezi is a slideshow that is used for showing a presentation. Prezi is a creative way to show off your presentation. My students will have to do research on a culture. With their research they will make a prezi.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Social Networking

Social Networking
  • Meltwaters blog is good for people who do not know what liking a page on Facebook can consist of. By liking someone else's page, you can get a like in return that could help promote your business. Social networks aren't just for people to spend their spare time doing; they are also used to help businesses. Businesses such as Scenty, Mary Kay, or babysitting opportunities. Social networking is used for all kinds of reasons.
  • Blogging and Twitter makes us smarter. This is true because social networking makes us think. Such as what am I going to put on twitter today? Or did I spell everything right in that tweet? This gets teens and young adults ready for the real world in baby steps. One day they might have to give a speech to a big company, but really with every tweet we send we are sending a mini speech to our audience.
My Thoughts
  • Social networks have positive and negative features about them. They are positive for speaking your opinion, letting out your frustration, or receiving and giving information. Social networks help spread any news, good or bad. They are negative because some people don't want to receive your information or hear about your frustration. You could write a post of Facebook about your baby being deathly sick and someone could somehow find something negative to say about this. Social networking can bring people together or tear people apart. They can spread the word about a baby being born or about your daughter graduating high school. Social networks can keep people in touch with one another. Social Networks are used for many different reasons. You can learn important things from social networks. If they are used in the right way then they can be beneficial to you. Overall, I think that social networks are for the better then for the worse.

All about Me

All About Me

  • My name is Bryana Taylor. I am from Bauxite, Arkansas. I went to school at Bauxite from pre-K to my senior year. I have lived in the same house my whole life, and I have attended the same church my whole life. I am a small town kind of girl and I'm proud of it.

  • Family is very important to me. My mom and dad are the best parents that I could ask for. They were married for 25 years, but unfortunately my dad is now a widower. I only have one sibling which is my brother. He is two years older than me, but I have 5 cousins who are basically my brothers and sisters. I also have an amazing boyfriend who I have been dating for a year and a half. I have a big family and we all live right next door to each other. Since I do have a big family It was hard to pick a college.

  •  I chose Henderson State University because it is close to home. I also picked Henderson because it is a teachers college, and one day I hope to become a teacher. I chose early childhood because that is my favorite group of kids to work with. I wanted a job where I would be excited to wake up and go to. Teaching was something that I have always wanted to do. I teach at my church and I taught middle school cheerleading for three years. I enjoy teaching people new things.

  • My blog is brainstorming by Bryana. This blog will be about my thoughts on everything. I will tell you about the everyday struggles of a college student, my ideas, and what I think life is about. I'm starting this blog because I have always wanted to experience what they are about. The theme of my blog is light hearted fun. My blog isn't anything serious its just suppose to make you think. I hope you will enjoy it!