Thursday, October 17, 2013

All about Me

All About Me

  • My name is Bryana Taylor. I am from Bauxite, Arkansas. I went to school at Bauxite from pre-K to my senior year. I have lived in the same house my whole life, and I have attended the same church my whole life. I am a small town kind of girl and I'm proud of it.

  • Family is very important to me. My mom and dad are the best parents that I could ask for. They were married for 25 years, but unfortunately my dad is now a widower. I only have one sibling which is my brother. He is two years older than me, but I have 5 cousins who are basically my brothers and sisters. I also have an amazing boyfriend who I have been dating for a year and a half. I have a big family and we all live right next door to each other. Since I do have a big family It was hard to pick a college.

  •  I chose Henderson State University because it is close to home. I also picked Henderson because it is a teachers college, and one day I hope to become a teacher. I chose early childhood because that is my favorite group of kids to work with. I wanted a job where I would be excited to wake up and go to. Teaching was something that I have always wanted to do. I teach at my church and I taught middle school cheerleading for three years. I enjoy teaching people new things.

  • My blog is brainstorming by Bryana. This blog will be about my thoughts on everything. I will tell you about the everyday struggles of a college student, my ideas, and what I think life is about. I'm starting this blog because I have always wanted to experience what they are about. The theme of my blog is light hearted fun. My blog isn't anything serious its just suppose to make you think. I hope you will enjoy it!


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