Monday, December 9, 2013

Pinterest is a great to incorporate in your classroom. I have used pinterest in my classroom to find lesson plans, worksheets, and new ways to do things. Recently I have used pinterest to  help me come up with a lesson plan for my first grade classroom. This lesson plan is on the past, present, and future tenses. Pinterest was very helpful with this lesson plan and I enjoyed creating this activity.

The link above is my lesson plan that I thought to my first grade class. I completed the assignment by following one of my pins that I had pinned on my pinterest. This pin gave me the idea to create a board game for my students to do. I chose this activity because I thought it would be fun and interesting for my students to do. After I did this assignment myself I discovered that it might be too hard for a first grader to do. I had to help my students a lot in the assignment and it was not as easy as I thought it would be.

 This is me writing down my past, present, and future tenses on the game board.

 This is how your game board should look after you have written in your past, present, and future tenses and they should be in that order.
This picture is of me writing my name and my partners name on the two sheets. These represent the players in the game.

Next you should mix up your playing cards so that way you will get a good varity to play your game.
Now it is time to play the game! You should have the following your board game, your cards, and your players. Now lets begin.
Next you should put your players on the start box so you can start the game.
Now the first player will draw a card to see where they should move...
The first player drew the future card so that means they will have to move to the first future tense box.
This picture is of the first player moving his player to the first future tense word.
You continue to play the game until one of the players reaches the end box on the board game. Don't forget to play with the other players board game as well.
Last but not least is to write your name on the back of your board game and to turn it in.
I hope that you enjoy this blog entry and I hope that it could help you in making a lesson plan for the past, present, and future tenses.








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